Boise State to create “permanent prayer space,” but is it really for “all”?

What is the real purpose of Boise Sate’s planned “permanent prayer space”? The Boise State University newspaper, The Arbiter, might offer a few clues.

Students from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait make up a sizeable percentage of Boise State’s population. With this in mind, construction on the second floor of the Student Union Building (SUB) means that a permanent prayer space can be foreseen in the fiscal school year of 2020, according to Nicole Nimmons, the executive director of student services.

For all, huh?

“A few years ago, we had a dramatic influx of new students from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait,” Salinas [the director of student diversity and inclusion] said. (As) students joining our campus, part of their daily activity is finding a place to pray on campus, especially with the growth of the International Student Association and the Muslim Student Association. Through membership, we noticed an uptick in the need for this kind of a space.”

The Muslim Student Association (MSA) President Muhammad Kamrin Latif has been attending Boise State for five years, growing accustomed to finding places to pray. Latif has felt supported by Nimmons and her efforts to make sure students have spaces available and the equipment needed during a congregation for free.

“As Muslims, you have to pray five times a day. So two to three prayers will be during school time,” Latif said. “Right now, I have seen people praying (in) whatever space they have. Probably finding space in a building where there’s a wall next to it, so they’ll just pray over there.”

What are your thoughts on this issue and other changes at Boise State University? Let us know in the comments section below.

12 thoughts on “Boise State to create “permanent prayer space,” but is it really for “all”?

  1. Mary Ott

    How the hell do you have that many students that are Muslim?..I say no no no. Do you make special places for other faiths..wake up Idaho..destory from within.

  2. Ed Sweeney

    BSU is turning into a leftist liberal cesspool, like all the colleges and universities in Commiefornia. Political correctness running amuck.

    Gee, I wonder why?

  3. Betty Shreve

    It must be equal for all faiths….jewish, christian, budist, Satan worshipers?…once you open a path all must be allowed to walk…

  4. Rick Culpepper

    And then what will be next ? The Muslim call to prayer sounding off throughout Boise State ? Wouldn’t this be a distraction to the Other students ? My question is this. Has there ever been any discussion about Prayer Rooms for Christian Students or Students of other Faiths ? So, why this and why NOW ? Freedom of Religion is A Gift. However, The Rules should never be Bent just to make Some feel more “comfortable”. If this statement makes me sound insensitive, then so be it. Just take a good hard look at California or Dearborn Michigan or Minnesota ( let’s not forget Omar’s District ) for example. In closing, I will just say God Bless America and ALL who TRULY Love Her and Everything that She STANDS for !

  5. Kim

    I believe all other religions have buildings in the area they have paid for at the respective denominations expense? Catholic, LDS, non denominational… Why is it acceptable to set aside parts of the college specifically for Muslims to pray? Will Satan worshippers be requsting statues in front of the college next? I say no.

  6. Angela

    Bunch of nonsense.Never,ever,have they built special accommodations for other Faith’s. I want Holy Water fonts at every entrance, and a crucifix in every eating area
    Will that ever happen? Didn’t think so.

  7. Jonie

    When I was a student at BSU, there was no special space for me, as a Christian, to pray…in fact, if you were a Christian at BSU, you were marginalized. But our country and our universities are hell bent on making a “special space” for Muslims. This is not right…all religions should be considered!

  8. Jenn

    A building near the campus, paid for by their religious leaders would be fine… unless BSU is planning to make special rooms for ALL religions.
    Or… a nondenominational religion room that can be reserved by different groups. Muslims can reserve time to pray, Christians can reserve it for Bible study or prayer group, Jewish students can reserve it for religious gatherings. Just a thought…

  9. Jason

    The text of the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution,
    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
    So while Boise State may not be “Congress” they may be viewed as a quasi-government entity and thereby be under similar restriction not to create a policy where-by one religion is treated preferentially over another.
    I actually hope the space does get created so as to observe challenges that will play out in the court system; should be fun to watch.

  10. John Merzlock

    A good and reasonable consideration for THE STATE BOARD of EDUCATION

  11. Kim

    The new college president came here from Calif. Is it any wonder that she is turning Boise State into a liberal TRASH school! Just like californication!! FIRE HER AND GO BACK TO IDAHO STANDARDS!!

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